【広告】楽天市場から 春のお買い物マラソン4月24日開催予定

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Are you ready to practice communicating in English?
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●お聞きなされ 英語に関するQ&A

●ふくプロ・自立学習教室 TOPへ戻る 

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Do you go to the park to play baseball? -- Impressed a lot! : (19)
No, I don’t. I don’t go to the park to play baseball.

「I go to・・・to〜」という文を書いてみよう。
I go to the post office to send a letter.

I will send a letter to my friend in Australia.

「Do you go to・・・to〜?」という文を書いてみよう。
Do you go to America to study English?
[268] 2020年02月07日 (金) 10時22分

To 268
No I don’t. I don’t go to America to study English.
I go to the Korea to study Korean .
I want to know Korean more than English.
Do you go to India to make curry?
[1749] 2020年08月11日 (火) 20時59分
To paddyfield,

Young people in both countries are interested in each other's entertainments and cultures. But politicians are not in good relation. I think they should listen to the opinions of young people more.
[1752] 2020年08月13日 (木) 10時56分
To 1749
No, I don't.
I don't go to India to make curry.
I want go to Australia to hold a koala.
Do you go to Canada to study ski?
[1755] 2020年08月16日 (日) 19時16分
To rushia

Wow I think both choices are so interesting..
If you have a chance, you should go both countries!

[1758] 2020年08月17日 (月) 19時50分
No, I don't.
I don't go to Canada to study ski.
I go to Australia to see coala.
I like to see animals.
Do you go to Chine to see a panda?
[1770] 2020年08月18日 (火) 21時21分
To Miki0801

You like animals?
What animal do you like best?

[1782] 2020年08月19日 (水) 18時51分
No, I don't.
I don't goto Chine to see Panda.
I go to Chine to eat Chainese food.
I think Chainese food is delicious.
Do you go to the park to see the flowers?
[1788] 2020年08月19日 (水) 20時52分
To 1788

No, I don't. I don't go to the park to see flowers.
I go to the library to study English.
I like to study English.
Do you go to America to watch basketball game?
[1790] 2020年08月19日 (水) 21時32分
To 1790
No, I don’t.
I don’t go to America to watch basketball game.
I go to UK to meet my friends.
I met them five years ago.
Do you go to restaurant to eat dinner?
[1795] 2020年08月20日 (木) 17時02分
To 1790

No, I don't. I don't go to America to watch basketball game.
I go to America to watch soccer game.
Because I like play and watch soccer.
I want to get signs of famous players there.
Do you go to the U.S to play baseball?
[1796] 2020年08月20日 (木) 17時07分
To 1796
No, I don't go to U.S to play baseball.
I go to U.S to see my father.
I'm going to see him next week.
Do you go to U.K to see your uncle?
[1800] 2020年08月20日 (木) 21時26分
To 1800

No,I don't.

I don't go to U.K to see your uncle.

I go to the park to walk a dog.

Do you go to at school to learn English?
[1808] 2020年08月21日 (金) 16時51分
To kdtoae,

Chinese food in Japan may be more delicious than that in China. For, in Japan, foods are arranged to suit Japanese peoples' tastes. But someday I hope you will be able to try real Chinese food!!


Good job and wonderful story!!

For your reference, (参考までに)

サイン is usually not sign, but "autograph"
Example: I got a written autograph of a Major League player.

To danjuro,

You should sometimes go to the park to see beautiful flowers. That must be relaxing!! www

To apeach03 and like0505,

Do you sometimes talk online with the friends or your father in England?
Thanks to the video phone-call systems, you can easily keep in touch with people in a foreign country, can't you?

To yasukunai,

Do you really have a dog? I haven't talked about your pets with you.

[1817] 2020年08月21日 (金) 19時04分
No I don't .
I don't go to at school to learn English.
I go to zoo to see animals.
I'm going to see pandas and lions.
Do you go to Tokyo to see movie?
[1820] 2020年08月21日 (金) 20時08分
to worldend

I haven't been to the Zoo for a while. Where is your nearest zoo? If you want to see pandas you better go to Ueno zoo.
[1825] 2020年08月22日 (土) 19時55分
To 1820
No, I don't. I don't go to Tokyo to see the movie.
I go to Canada to learn Canada's culture.
I want to eat maple syrup when I go there.
Also I want to introduce about it.
Do you go to your garden to take care of your flowers?
[1852] 2020年08月25日 (火) 23時52分
To erenyeager,

Talking of Canada, here is a question.

What is the name of the world famous falls?

I want to visit Canada someday, too.
[1861] 2020年08月26日 (水) 11時43分
No, I don’t .I don’t go to the park to baseball.
I go to Korea to meet NiziU.
I want to meet Rima and Riku.
Do you go to Korea to eat Korean food?
[1869] 2020年08月26日 (水) 18時05分

I know NiziU!
Did you see Nizi project?

I have been to Korea once to eat Korean foods.
They are very delicious because I like spicy foods.
[1874] 2020年08月27日 (木) 18時25分


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