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No.33 Very small, personal thing. 投稿者:今神栗八    投稿日:2019年06月01日 (土) 17時59分 [返信] -- Impressed a lot! : (7)

I happened to find a restaurant "Kuriya" ,which is my handle-name, when I was hanging around downtown Nara City.

No.34 My business name 投稿者:まさ・ふくプロ    投稿日:2019年06月01日 (土) 21時10分

That must have been surprising for you.
I am wonderng what な〜むくん is.

My business name ふくプロ comes from ふくちゃん's project. ふくwas a cat's name we had. She has gone.

No.35 なーむくん 投稿者:今神栗八    投稿日:2019年06月02日 (日) 03時56分


No.40  投稿者:まさ・ふくプロ    投稿日:2019年06月02日 (日) 20時24分

Now I see. Maybe I know him. Thank you.

No.31 TOEFL iBT to Change Its Style!! 投稿者:今神栗八    投稿日:2019年05月31日 (金) 01時55分 [返信] -- Impressed a lot! : (11)

A few days ago, I read a newspaper article pointing out that the designated institutions offering senior high school students who aim at entering universities the tests to measure their English capabilities have yet to determine their exact plans of implementation. This is a serious concern for both the students and their teachers.

I know to some extent how the Eiken exams(STEP Tests) will change especially for the sake of senior high schoolers, but today I recognized for the first time that the TOFFL iBT Test would also change its test style as of August 1, 2019, which is only two months ahead(press release May 27th, 2019)!

Very confusing!

I really sympathize with the students who may suffer from the confusions possibly arisen by these changes when they consider their tactics to be successful in their entrance screenings for universities.

(See details: TOEFL iBT changes(.pdf)):

No.32 Teachers also seem to be confused. 投稿者:まさ・ふくプロ    投稿日:2019年05月31日 (金) 14時16分

Exactly, and teachers also seem to be very confused. One of my old student, who is now a famous private high school teacher, is tackling this issue but is very angry because it is not clear who this system-reform is for.
The government has thrown a ball to schools and their students without any detailed instructions, which is annoying those involved.

Moreover, one important problem to be taken into account is who will judge students' long English compositions, if introduced in a test. Who will decide the line between good and bad about each sentence or about the whole composition. How??

No.27 Mass Stabbing Attack in Kawasaki 投稿者:まさ・ふくプロ    投稿日:2019年05月29日 (水) 19時05分 [返信] -- Impressed a lot! : (9)

I may not have to tell you here again what happened in Kawasaki yesterday morning, but I am pretty sure that many of you feel strong anger about this attack.

Many foreign media report this incident and they say that mass killing attack is very rare in Japan, which is known as a very safe country with low crime rate.

And an expression which one of the reporters used in a video report impressed me, which is, "Japan is not immune to this kind of attack".

Right. Not immune. We are completely used to a low-crime-rate society. It can also be said peaceful means not immune to crimes.
But even if we were immune, it might be very difficult to stop mass killing attack especially attacking children.
What we can do now is just trying not to produce crazy adults without any morality nor any respect for life.

No.28 URL 投稿者:まさ・ふくプロ    投稿日:2019年05月29日 (水) 19時24分


No.30 various opinions 投稿者:林    投稿日:2019年05月30日 (木) 23時52分

Regarding this, there are a variety of opinions post online.

One of them is:

If you want to die, go ahead.
But you never have a right to take any life with you!

This kind of opinion is not good.
However, I understand many people have the same feelings as this, if they do not say or write in public.

No.43 That is a difficult issue. 投稿者:ボディーミルク    投稿日:2019年06月03日 (月) 00時18分

I saw this problem being discussed on TV.

Regarding the opininons,

1. You may well think "if you want to die, go alone"
2. It is wrong to think like that.

we cannnot say which is correct, I also understand many people think like No1.

No.19 May 投稿者:のりのり    投稿日:2019年05月26日 (日) 14時16分 [返信] -- Impressed a lot! : (14)

It's getting hotter during the day, but is still cool in the morning and the evening. Plus, there're not many mosquitos and flies around yet.

I love strolling in my gardens, picking strawberries, peas, different kinds of leafy vegetables that make great salad.

If you ask someone out on one May afternoon and say "Nice breeze, isn't it",
that means "I love you".
It's a May magic.

No.20  投稿者:まさ・ふくプロ    投稿日:2019年05月26日 (日) 14時38分

Thank you for your lovely story. Relaxing for such a terribly hot day.

No.21  投稿者:ボディーミルク    投稿日:2019年05月26日 (日) 20時19分

Do you have many mosquitos in your area in summer?To be honest, I hate them. If there is a sign of one hiding somewhere in my room, I keep fighting until I am sure it has died. Nowadays there are nice mosquito-killing sprays. Only one push and they will fall down soon. They are wonderful inventions for me.

No.22  投稿者:のりのり    投稿日:2019年05月27日 (月) 09時10分

Thank you for your comment🙃

We have many mosquitos like any other place in Japan, and so many "gnats"(Buyo or Buto in Japanese), that are super annoying and irritating.

They're tiny, fly-looking insect, and fly so fast in formation, bite you on the eyelids, the lips…then it'll swell up badly.

But one and the only good thing about gnats is that they can only live in clean habitats.

No.25 May magic won't be a magic in June any longer? 投稿者:今神栗八    投稿日:2019年05月28日 (火) 18時21分

Such a lovely poetic line you taught!
I'm sure you have been said that yourself.:-P

No.26  投稿者:のりのり    投稿日:2019年05月29日 (水) 12時15分

Thank you, Imagami-san!
One of the highest compliments I ever had.

And no, no, never ever.
But I might as well use the line by the time I die…

The magic can happen if you do something with a pure and sincere heart.

No.29 A Fancy Reaction to Comment No,26 投稿者:今神栗八    投稿日:2019年05月29日 (水) 22時12分

I like your comment, norinori-san! :-)

Spill here once you get a success in realizing a favorable situation with someone...

I’m sure it’s no one but you who’ll make a magic happen.

No.16 My favorite 投稿者:ボディーミルク    投稿日:2019年05月23日 (木) 09時50分 [返信] -- Impressed a lot! : (10)

My handle name came from this cream. I like its design. It is very cute. It also smells sweet and relaxing. What kind of cream do you use?

No.15 My new phone 投稿者:かずえ    投稿日:2019年05月23日 (木) 09時28分 [返信] -- Impressed a lot! : (9)

I changed my smartphone. A new one come yesterday. But I don't know many things. Very complicate. I like old one better.

No.17  投稿者:まさ・ふくプロ    投稿日:2019年05月23日 (木) 10時07分

I know what you mean. A variety of things related with ourselves are set or connected without our knowing it. We sometimes even suspect that they (especially the company known for G) are intentionally making the service very complicated.

No.10 New era always comes with the huge drop of stock prices. 投稿者:ボディーミルク    投稿日:2019年05月14日 (火) 02時45分 [返信] -- Impressed a lot! : (6)

Do economists remember how most of them predicted on the stock market after the new era started? "Japan will see steady growth for a certain period of time supported by the strong US economy." "Chinese economy was not so bad as estimated." Wrong Wrong Wrong!!!
Japanese investers have not been able to enjoy, not even only one day, NIKKEI rising. What they have seen this month is 6 consecutive days' fall.
Now economists or experts on economy, how would you explain this situation in turn??

No.12  投稿者:ヤッターマン    投稿日:2019年05月18日 (土) 01時18分

I wish I had a lot of money....

No.48  投稿者:レモン    投稿日:2019年06月13日 (木) 11時37分

I love chocolates than stocks, to be honest.

No.9 Trend changes 投稿者:プログラミンゴ    投稿日:2019年05月12日 (日) 19時50分 [返信] -- Impressed a lot! : (6)

One day late in 2018, I was talking with my femail friends at a cafe in Suidobashi about a variety of topics, and when the topic came to be on fashion, one of the ladies said, "..., and they put everything under their pants or skirts..."

I had not noticed the change. Until recently, and for a long time, people had worn shirts or sweats with their lowerparts outside the bottoms when they dressed informally.

Trends had completely changed while i didn't know it.

Young girls pushed everything under their skirts and pants, even sweaters!!

Amazing! But I still have a question..Is that cool?

No.11  投稿者:ぴよ    投稿日:2019年05月18日 (土) 00時56分

Majority wins, hahaha.

No.18  投稿者:りさ    投稿日:2019年05月23日 (木) 10時14分

I will never follow the trend. I don't like same wear of others.

No.7 nostalgic 投稿者:にぃーん    投稿日:2019年04月25日 (木) 12時59分 [返信] -- Impressed a lot! : (6)

Delicious!I recommend.

No.13  投稿者:ボディーミルク    投稿日:2019年05月22日 (水) 11時59分

I like this kind of snack, too.

No.6 The world's stock market is very brisk. 投稿者:まさ・ふくプロ    投稿日:2019年04月25日 (木) 12時19分 [返信] -- Impressed a lot! : (4)

Even in the midst of some prospect of the world growth rate becoming dull because of BREXIT and Chinese economy,etc., the market doesn't seem to be so pessimistic about the future. The US is enjoying almost every day the rise of NY DOW, which has become about 10 times as high as that in the late 1980s. NIKKEI is also growing in a steady manner and it may reach the highest point of the last 20 years after the Bubble disappeared.

We should be happy and welcome this situation.


No.8  投稿者:まさ・ふくプロ    投稿日:2019年04月25日 (木) 14時52分

But....not all investers are trying to get profit by buying stocks first and then selling. Among them are doing in the opposite direction, Selling first and then Buying back, that is, you can get profit if stocks' prices go down. I am the very invester that is doing this.

No.14  投稿者:ボディーミルク    投稿日:2019年05月22日 (水) 12時02分

I know what you mean. Now, in the middle of May, you are getting good profit, aren't you?

No.23  投稿者:まさ・フクプロ    投稿日:2019年05月27日 (月) 20時47分

Yes, but not so much. I bought the stocks back too early. I could have got a lot more.


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