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No.97 Was I irritated or sympathized? 投稿者:今神栗八    投稿日:2019年08月05日 (月) 01時54分 [返信]

At a nearby Starbucks, I was doing a bit of my paper work when two young ladies, seemingly in their early twenties, sat beside my table facing each other.

"Ms.Comfort" (as I named) sat beside me with about one foot apart from me on a several-meter-long couch facing "Ms.Broken-heart" who sat diagonally across me.

At first Ms.Comfort took out her smartphone and showed Ms.Broken-heart some pictures she had taken in Singapore where she had been to for vacation and just come back the other day, according to the explanation Ms.Comfort made to Ms.Broken-heart with an enough volume for me to catch even if I was unwilling to.

I tried to concentrate on my own task, but I got annoyed by the action Ms.Comfort took then; she made a video call to her boyfriend and started to talk with him. Her voice gradually became loud in a minute or two, to the level with which you would have talked to a real person in front of you or even louder.

But at last I didn't complain to Ms.Comfort. For I was surprised to recognize Ms.Broken-heart began to weep after hearing some words I didn't recognize that were uttered by the man beyond the line. I gave her a glance and saw her shedding tears and wiping them with her handkerchief.

Half-conscious about my own task, I could get the picture through the sequence of their conversation: Ms.Broken-heart, a sobbing lady, had been dumped by her boyfriend the day before and the man who dumped her was a friend of the man online, namely, Ms.Comfort's boyfriend.

Ms.Broken-heart's heart was broken so miserably that she couldn't stand any more and finally called her best friend, Ms.Comfort, who was now sitting just beside me, to meet here at Starbucks to ask about how to handle her feeling.

While I found the story interesting instead of irritating, I felt some sympathy to Ms.Broken-heart. Been there, done that. Not even looking at her at all, I soothed her in my heart by saying you'd be stronger and more beautiful when you eventually get this over. I envied her youth.

Ms.Comfort, on the other hand, didn't seem to be really sympathetic about her friend, though. Judging from the way she spoke or the words she uttered, she sounded superficial and even boastful about the fact she was getting along well with her boyfriend who also seemed very light-hearted. She even intentionally let ME know the situation as she uttered, when her friend said with tears she was embarrassed, "It's OK. Nobody listens to us." I did, actually. Knowing that I was listening to them, she seemed to be showing off her advantageous position over her miserable friend. I hate her character and her bad manners.

Ms.Comfort never switched off her line with her boyfriend for more than 30 minutes. She was like,
"I got a bit sun-tanned in Singapore."
"Why, show me, bae."
"No, not here...You really wanna see now, sweetheart?"
"Yeah, I mean that, bae."
Go to hell. How dare you talk like that in front of a heartbroken friend!

When Ms.Broken-heart stood up to get out of the place, she said to her friend,"We must have been troubling other customers all the time..." I pretended not to be hearing that, but I was glad she'd been attentive to me even though she was in a sorrow.

Then they left the cafe earlier than I. According to what Ms.Comfort had said to her boyfriend before hanging up, they would drive down to the beach for a change. I wished Ms.Broken-heart good luck. I hope she'll find another good boyfriend before long because she probably deserves it.

Was I irritated or sympathized? Maybe a bit more of the latter.

No.99 www 投稿者:武蔵角    投稿日:2019年08月06日 (火) 13時46分


it seems you are often troubled by young ladies outside.

Last time, you cast a story with two high school girls talking on the phone in the bus.

No.104 Girls may be like that! 投稿者:ボディーミルク    投稿日:2019年08月15日 (木) 06時42分

Girls like to listen to others' heart-broken stories. They pretend to listen seriously and sympathize the other but really not.
It doesn't mean, however, the listeners are happy that their friends have parted with their boyfriends. They just enjoy listening to the story as if it is a TV drama or something.
But, don’t worry. The telling side also knows that. She just wants to tell how miserable she was and wants somebody to say “I know how you feel” or ”You are right” I would be embarrassed if my friend started crying to listen to my story seriously and offering a variety of advices. I wouldn't need them. Girls get along well with each other by telling and enjoying listening by turns.


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