【広告】楽天市場にて 母の日向けギフト値引きクーポン配布中

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No.61  投稿者:今神栗八    投稿日:2019年06月20日 (木) 18時53分 [返信]

I was sitting on the rear seat of a city bus when two high-teen girls got on and sat on the other side. There was room for one more passenger between us. There were a dozen of passengers on board and all of them were seated.

Soon, the leaked noise of up-beat music they were listening to thru the earphones began to annoy me.

Then they started to eat snack bread. But there was no smell of it.

While eating, one of the girls’ cellphone rang and, she answered and began to talk.

I was surprised and stare hard at her, but she pretended not to recognize me and kept on talking. It was not loud, though. This meant she knew talking there was not allowed.

I wonder if that should be overlooked?

Well, I do NOT mean she was sure to blame severely; I
feel rather otherwise.

These are the prerequisits:

・The municipal bus administration
prohibits passengers’ oral communication through cellphones while on board.

・Her talk didn’t seem urgent.

・Her voice was at all time low throughout the talk.

・No one told her to stop talking because they weren’t seemingly annoyed beyond the limit of patience.

Honestly, I have come across several similar cases on a bus and a train recently, which had been out of tke question from the point of public mannars’ view.

But at the same time, our society might become less benevolent and mutually monitored.

Are we going too far under the name of social justice?

I don’t want my children to be like the girl with a leaked noise, biting a bread, and talking on the phone in the bus.

But what’s the difference between talking with her friend off line and on line with a moderately controlled voice?

Or am I becoming a more irritable, narrow-minded middle-aged person?

No.63 I can imagine the situation very clearly. 投稿者:レモン    投稿日:2019年06月21日 (金) 12時23分

I understand how much you got irritated then.

But I also wonder why we get more irritated to see somebody talking on the phone in the train or in the bus than to just see two people enjoy talking to each other.

They should be the same.

No.64  投稿者:今神栗八    投稿日:2019年06月22日 (土) 22時33分


Yeah, that’s exactly what I meant. Unless too loud, talking on the phone while you are in a train/bus might be admittable, though I’m not sure.


【広告】楽天市場にて 母の日向けギフト値引きクーポン配布中
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