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No.36 How to effectively memorize new English words 投稿者:今神栗八    投稿日:2019年06月02日 (日) 11時25分 [返信]

Today is the Eiken(STEP Test) Day. Many students are taking the test. Some of my students are, too. I've been keeping my fingers crossed for them.

Speaking of the Eiken, I subscribe to Eiken mail magazine in order to obtain the latest information about the test. I received the latest issue on May 31 and was deeply impressed by an article introduced in the magazine.

The topic was about how to memorize English words effectively and efficiently. A university professor answers to a senior high school student's question about finding difficulty in memorizing new words.

The professor suggests to take advantage of the mechanism of a human brain. He gives six tips to how effectively remember new English words.

Here is the link to the web page these tips are explained in detail. I really have had the same idea with this professor(no academic evidence, though). His insightful perspective endorses my belief very much. Inspired by his theory, now I am even more enthusiastic about developing a new method of better memorizing English words in the very near future.

More power to my dream!!

Link: 英単語を覚えるのが苦手です。どうやって覚えればいいですか? (高2男子)

No.38 I read 投稿者:まさ・ふくプロ    投稿日:2019年06月02日 (日) 20時17分

I agree with the method and part of our concept is very close to the idea.

It may be a liitle difficult for high school students who are apt to look for a shortcut to understand it, though.

No.39  投稿者:mirumiru    投稿日:2019年06月02日 (日) 20時22分

In studying foreign languages, it is a serious issue for learners to find out how to memorize as many words as possible in a short period.


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