Hi.Ich wollte mal fragen ob es bei euch DVDs und CDs von BBMak gibt, mit allen Videos und Songs? Leider spreche ich eure Sprache nicht, hoffe aber das mir jemand helfen kann und versteht? Hi. I wanted to ask sometimes whether are there DVDs and CDs of BBMak, with all videos and songs with you? Unfortunately, do I not speak your language, does somebody hope, however, to me can help and does understand?
2008/01/26(Sat) 19:31
Re:CD & DVDs |
akko@administrator |
Hi Dewey. Thanks for finding here and leaving a comment also. You're asking whether I have BBMak's all CDs and DVDs, right? I only have all of their CDs released in Japan, I don't have almost all of BBMak's CDs released in other countries unfortunately. About BBMak's 2 videos, I do have but the only type I have is VHS (not DVD). It's a shame I can't read German, I hope I understand what you asked exactly.
2008/01/28(Mon) 18:11