今日4 昨日1
[20] 題名:Answer is what I miss. 名前:Syun 投稿日: 2017/06/19(月) 20:41
I used to use this on the roof of buildings with my friends.
And we spent very good time in the evening. But nowadays
I almost not have such a good time. I miss it.
[19] 題名:What’s this? これは何でしょう? 名前:GT Turbo 投稿日: 2017/06/19(月) 12:34
What’s this? Especially we more often use this item in this season. We use this even more often next month. Some people use this all year around. It can hold golden color liquid in it. That liquid is loved by adults (It should be that way!) It has a handle. It can make a nice sound like ,”Kashaan, chin” . Usually there are two sizes, big or middle. I wonder why we don’t have “small”.
What’s this item? This item is called ( ).
[18] 題名:Thanks Mochida-san 名前:Syun 投稿日: 2017/06/18(日) 07:36
Thank you for your comment. Every day is like Sunday. You know the weekly magazine ‘サンデ-毎日’. Don’t you think these nuances or sounds resemble? It is slightly impossible, isn’t it?
[17] 題名:Thanks Shun、for writing 名前:tetsuo mochida MAIL 投稿日: 2017/06/17(土) 22:12
You can practice anytime anywhere. While you are waiting for your sweet, you can read ,write or even listen to something. I do like that. I'm busy everyday so I can't take specific time for English learning. I use nitch time like waiting red signal,on a line for chash register at supermarket. I listen to English podcast when I look for some books. The most thing you need to mind is that do not wear ear-phones when you are at your wife. My wife sometimes complain about it. I'm sorry about it. Anyway this is the board for you to practice English so please come often and write a lot. Thanks for reading.
[16] 題名:My daily life 名前:Syun 投稿日: 2017/06/17(土) 17:15
I get up about 5-6 o’clock.
Usually, I enjoy my hobby about 2 hours or go out for gardening before breakfast.
Almost every 3 days, I go shopping with my wife. This is like my duty.
Because I live in the rural area, so there are no convenient shops. It takes long time for women to choose even eggplants, you know. I get tired to be waiting. After getting to a house, I take the nap. I wonder when I study English.
[15] 題名:訂正あり 名前:Syun 投稿日: 2017/06/16(金) 20:22
上から5行目 it is surprising for me she expressed her thoughtの人称が間違えました。She, herなくてyou, yourです。これからもたくさん間違える“予定”ですので悪しからず。歳ですかね。これからもよろしく。
I made a mistake. In the fifth line from the part of top ” it is surprising for me she expressed her thought” she, her are wrong, they ought to be you, your. I beg you to understand my sentences from now on. Is it age?
[14] 題名:Thank you for chatting 名前:Syun 投稿日: 2017/06/16(金) 17:32
Thank you for your emails many times. In the exchanges of mails, I felt you have to be serious to yourself. You may be ’too serious how to live and how to be helpful for people’. I felt that too serious makes her irritation.
In fact, there are few opportunities you want in rural area.
You have splendid careers and talent. Therefor I think your worry is deep and complicated.
Though this is the first meeting, it is surprising for me she expressed her thought and feeling on-line. I was glad to have a chatting with you.
On the contrary. I have lived ordinarily in a rural area.
When I met many friends in college who were activate in the world, I happened to feel I could have been active as well, but I think the ordinarily way of my life is not so bad.
“Here and Now”です。
[13] 題名:座右の銘 名前:Syun 投稿日: 2017/06/16(金) 17:13
Here and Now.かな?敢えて訳すなら”今ここで”ですね。
[12] 題名:好きな名言 My favorite wise man's words 名前:GT Turbo 投稿日: 2017/06/16(金) 15:10
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. "
Theodore Roosevelt
[11] 題名:英語やってる? 名前:tetsuo mochida MAIL 投稿日: 2017/06/15(木) 23:02