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[50] 題名: 名前:GT Turbo 投稿日: 2017/07/31(月) 12:51
夏と言えば、お化け屋敷 Haunted house (or mansion)
If you look up a Japanese-English dictionary for "Obake Yashiki", you will find "Haunted house" in English. I wonder if they are the same. Japanese Obakeyashiki is much smaller and sometimes it is not a house at all. To me, Obakeyashiki is more creepy than a Haunted house, I think. Is that because I am a Japanese?
[49] 題名:何かを文章にすることは難しい 名前:Syun 投稿日: 2017/07/31(月) 07:51
It is very tough to make something a sentence even in Japanese for me.
Besides I cannot write a stylish English sentence , but I think posting sentences to this BBS are an exercise of the English composition, even in simple English.
[48] 題名:でも暑すぎるよね、最近は。 名前:Syun 投稿日: 2017/07/31(月) 07:18
Mmm, certainly. The firework is one of summer features.
To enjoy summer, the camping in the mountainsides is best for me, if possible.
Of course, beer is also nice.
[47] 題名:“花火" 名前:GT Turbo 投稿日: 2017/07/25(火) 13:22
It’s a perfect event to go out for on a hot summer day. Why don’t you go out with your beloved ones or friends? Gazing the night sky full of colors such as blue, green, red….with a loud sound shaking the surrounding air, you won’t feel summer heat anymore. No? if not, bring a six-pack of beer with you.
[46] 題名:夏と言えば、”プール” でもちょっと違う? 名前:GT Turbo 投稿日: 2017/07/25(火) 13:10
Teru-san, I am glad you’ve joined BBS now. I am enjoying writing so much. I hope you feel the same way.
When Japanese people hear the word “pool", “swimming pool” comes to their mind instantly. American use “pool” for other things. For example, car pool, shooting pool (play pool), and more. What are they? Consult your dictionary to find what they are.
[45] 題名:Finally got access to this site 名前:Teru 投稿日: 2017/07/25(火) 12:38
I was struggling with how to make access to this site. In the yesterday club meeting, I could join into the club Line-loop and get access to the site at last with the help of Takada-san. I would like to thank Takada-san's efforts for opening this site and enjoy the topics and talks with the club friends.
[44] 題名:確かにね 名前:Syun 投稿日: 2017/07/22(土) 20:47
Exactly!That is right.
But the shaved ice is so cold that I sometimes have a headache.
[43] 題名:暑い夏にはこれだ! 名前:GT Turbo 投稿日: 2017/07/22(土) 16:03
Prepare a chunk of ice as big as one tofu block for two or three servings. Put the ice on the grinding table which has a sharp blade. Slowly rotate the handle to lower the upper holding plate until the beneath of the plate touches the sufface of the ice block.Then turn the grinder handle gently, flake of shaved ice will come out under the under the grinding table.Put the shaved ice in a cup and pour your favorite sirup - strawberry, melon, lemon, or blue hawaii. Definitely it cools you down instantly.
[42] 題名:暑い夏にはこれだ! 名前:GT Turbo 投稿日: 2017/07/22(土) 16:01
Prepare a chunk of ice as big as one tofu block for two or three servings. Put the ice on the grinding table which has a sharp blade. Slowly rotate the handle to lower the upper holding plate until the beneath of the plate touches the sufface of the ice block.Then turn the grinding handle gently, flake of shaved ice will come out under the under the grinding table.Put the shaved ice in a cup and pour your favorite sirup - strawberry, melon, lemon, or blue hawaii.
[41] 題名:梅雨が明けた 名前:Syun 投稿日: 2017/07/19(水) 21:51
Thank you, Mochida-san. According to weather forecast, the rainy season have been over today. Terrible hot days will continue from now on for two months. Take care of yourself.
Let me know the schedule of August meeting later.