【広告】楽天市場にて お買い物マラソン5月9日開催予定



1月30日(土) JIPインターナショナルパーティー(ニューイヤースペシャル)! ←クリック
JIP Friends Club

日時:2016年1月30日(土) 6:30-9:00pm
会場:Bar Quest(六本木)

1月31日(土) SIPインターナショナルパーティー(ウインタースペシャル)! ←クリック

日時:2015年1月31日(土) 6:00-8:30pm
場所:アッセンブリー ホール (表参道)
住所:東京都渋谷区神宮前4-26-18 原宿ピアザビル B1F





ICJ国際教育インフォメーションセンター・ジャパン | MAIL | URL
英国国際教育研究所所長が英国から来日し、同研究所が英国ロンドンにて開講する大学院日本語教育学研究科 日本語教師養成課程の講座説明会を日本各地にて開催します。当日は、講座内容ならびに資格・就職サポート、出願手続きについての説明、そして、卒業生や日本語学習者からのメッセージ、キャンパス、ロンドンでの学生生活や授業風景をビデオ等で紹介します。また、公開講義では、ロンドンで開講する日本語教師養成課程の講義の一部を体験して頂けます。

コース・デザイン解説: 英国国際教育研究所 所長 図師照幸先生(在英)
公開講義「教えるための日本語分析の視点」: 英国国際教育研究所 所長 図師照幸先生(在英)

@2008年10月4日(土) 開場:13:15/開始:13:30 東京(日本教育会館)
A2008年10月5日(日) 開場:13:15/開始:13:30 名古屋(愛鉄連基金会館)
B2008年10月11日(土) 開場:13:15/開始:13:30 大阪(大阪国際交流センター)
C2008年10月13日(月・祝) 開場:13:15/開始:13:30 福岡(アクロス福岡)

2008/08/23/(Sat) 09:28:55 (622)

8/16! Yokohama World Friends International Party (Summer Special)!
Yokohama World Friends | MAIL | URL
Yokohama World Friends International Party!

Great chance to make new Friends and find language exchange partners,
cultural exchange partners or possibly international romance. We plan to hold
monthly parties in Yokohama. Enjoy talking to new friends/old friends with
delicious drinks which are all you can drink.

Date: August 16 (Saturday), 2008
Time: 6:30PM-9:00PM
PLace: Club "Why Not?" (Yokohama)
Address: (La Spega Motomatchi) Basement Floor (B1F), 1-31 Motomatchi, Naka-Ku,
Dress Code: Anything
Detail: http://www.worldfriends-party.com/e/
Map: http://www.clubwhynot.com/img/map.gif
2008/08/06/(Wed) 15:32:49 (619)

8/9 TIF Miscellaneous International Party !
TIF Miscellaneous | MAIL | URL
"TOKYO INTERNATIONAL FRIENDSHIP" that is the most popular International Friendship site in Japan and “ENGLISH AMAZING WORLD” which is one of the longest established English and overseas related portal site, hold their event called "TIF Miscellaneous Party" monthly. It is an alternative and Miscellaneous Party! 200-250 people will be expected to attend the party. Excellent opportunity to meet great people, make new friends, find language exchange partners and Romance, and learn many different cultures.

All you can drink (beer, cocktails, soft drinks, etc). Snacks will be also provided. The aim of TIF Miscellaneous Party is to be a “GATEWAY” for international friendship.

Date: August 9 (Sat), 2008 Time: 6:30-9:00pm
Place: T's salon in Shibuya (2nd Floor)
Address: 1-6-8 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Shibuya Inoue Bldg 2nd Floor
Dress code: Anything
Reservations: Not necessary but recommended
For more info: http://www.miscellaneousparty.com/english.htm
Map: http://www.miscellaneousparty.com/map.htm
2008/07/30/(Wed) 17:54:12 (618)

8/2 Shinjuku Cosmopolitan International Party!
Shinjuku Cosmopolitan | MAIL | URL
The only full-scale International Party in Shinjuku!
The 33rd Shinjuku Cosmopolitan Party will be held at
No.1 International club in Shinjuku "Tokyo Loose"!

Always looking for an International party in Shinjuku?
Wanna make Japanese friends?
Wanna find Language exchange partners?
Wanna make girl friends/boy friends?
We began our party in Shinjuku for those aims.

All you can drink.
Light meel and snacks will be provided.

Shinjuku Cosmopolitan International Party!

Date: August 2 (Sat), 2008 Time: 6:20-9:00pm
Place: Club "Tokyo Loose" (Near Koma Stadium)
Address: 2-37-3 Kabukicho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Marutomo bldg B1F (basement floor)
Dress code: Anything is ok.
Reservations: Not necessary but recommended and appreciated
For more info: http://www.shinjukuparty.com/etop.htm
Map: http://www.shinjukuparty.com/emap.htm
2008/07/23/(Wed) 16:19:32 (616)

7/26! JIP International Friendship Party
JIP Friends Club | MAIL | URL
JIP Party is the biggest and coolest international party in Japan. Over 250 people will be expected to attend the party.

You can enjoy talking to people from all over the world at a very cool international club. Many kinds of cocktails and soft drink are all you can drink, and we also prepare snack, etc.

This is different from other parties.

Japan's No 1 International party!
JIP International Friendship Party

Date: July 26 (Sat), 2008 Time: 6:30-9:00pm
Place: Bar Quest (Roppongi)
Address: No.2 Rene Bldg. 3F, 5-3-1, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Dress code: Anything
Reservations: Not necessary but recommended and appreciated
For more info: http://www.getyourfriend.com/english.htm
Map: http://www.getyourfriend.com/emap.htm
Mobile: http://www.getyourfriend.com/mobile/
2008/07/15/(Tue) 16:24:16 (615)

7/19! Yokohama World Friends International Party!
Yokohama World Friends | MAIL | URL
Yokohama World Friends International Party!

Great chance to make new Friends and find language exchange partners,
cultural exchange partners or possibly international romance. We plan to hold
monthly parties in Yokohama. Enjoy talking to new friends/old friends with
delicious drinks which are all you can drink.

Date: July 19 (Saturday), 2008
Time: 6:30PM-9:00PM
PLace: Club "Why Not?" (Yokohama)
Address: (La Spega Motomatchi) Basement Floor (B1F), 1-31 Motomatchi, Naka-Ku,
Dress Code: Anything
Detail: http://www.worldfriends-party.com/e/
Map: http://www.clubwhynot.com/img/map.gif
2008/07/13/(Sun) 17:54:57 (614)

阿波踊り体験ツアー let`s AWA DANCE!
Awa-Dance Festival Tour in Tokushima
―For foreign & Japanese students―
2008.08.11 Mon 〜 2008.08.13 Wed

Do you know the Awa-Dance Festival in Tokushima?
This is a traditional Japanese dance Festival which started 400 years ago.
It is one of the three most famous festivals in Japan.
Why don’t you come to Tokushima and experience Awa-Dance with us?

◆Tour schedule
Please visit our blog site if you want to get tour schedule information.

This is a very special chance to experience Awa-Dance joining with official dance teams.

【Supporter】: Tokushima-prefecture, E-tokushima
【Cost】: 18000-23000yen
【The closing date of reservation】: 7/16
【Organizer】: COMQLO (The student-group local town supporters) comqlo5@yahoo.co.jp
【Representative】: Yuriya Morisaki (090-5578-8698)
2008/07/13/(Sun) 17:53:42 (613)

19th JULY International party in Yokohama
zakInternational party in Yokohama | MAIL | URL
International party in Yokohama Landmark Tower

It's a good opportunity to make new friends and find your language exchange partners. Good chance to increase your network of friends and contacts. Come alone or bring your friends. Unlike other parties, we don't discriminate people.

* Everybody is WELCOMED!
* Just come and be ready to make new friends with everybody.
* Reserve now or go directly to the party!

Date: Saturday  19TH of JULY 
Time: 13:00-15:00
Place Yokohama Landmark Tower 11F
Dress code: Anything (Casual, etc)
Reservations: e-mail to yumiya1419@yahoo.co.jp (miyazaki)

Please free to come alone or bring your friends. EVERYBODY is welcome to join. after the party we will go for chinese dumpling tour for everyone interestedfor further information please e-mail to yumiya1419@yahoo.co.jp (miyazaki)
2008/07/13/(Sun) 15:13:32 (610)

7/12 TIF Miscellaneous International Party !
TIF Miscellaneous | MAIL | URL
"TOKYO INTERNATIONAL FRIENDSHIP" that is the most popular International Friendship site in Japan and “ENGLISH AMAZING WORLD” which is one of the longest established English and overseas related portal site, hold their event called "TIF Miscellaneous Party" monthly. It is an alternative and Miscellaneous Party! 200-250 people will be expected to attend the party. Excellent opportunity to meet great people, make new friends, find language exchange partners and Romance, and learn many different cultures.

All you can drink (beer, cocktails, soft drinks, etc). Snacks will be also provided. The aim of TIF Miscellaneous Party is to be a “GATEWAY” for international friendship.

Date: July 12 (Sat), 2008 Time: 6:30-9:00pm
Place: T's salon in Shibuya (2nd Floor)
Address: 1-6-8 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Shibuya Inoue Bldg 2nd Floor
Dress code: Anything
Reservations: Not necessary but recommended
For more info: http://www.miscellaneousparty.com/english.htm
Map: http://www.miscellaneousparty.com/map.htm
2008/07/01/(Tue) 17:44:10 (606)

7/5 Shinjuku Cosmopolitan International Party!
Shinjuku Cosmopolitan | MAIL | URL
The only full-scale International Party in Shinjuku!
The 32nd Shinjuku Cosmopolitan Party will be held at
No.1 International club in Shinjuku "Tokyo Loose"!

Always looking for an International party in Shinjuku?
Wanna make Japanese friends?
Wanna find Language exchange partners?
Wanna make girl friends/boy friends?
We began our party in Shinjuku for those aims.

All you can drink.
Light meel and snacks will be provided.

Shinjuku Cosmopolitan International Party!

Date: July 5 (Sat), 2008 Time: 6:20-9:00pm
Place: Club "Tokyo Loose" (Near Koma Stadium)
Address: 2-37-3 Kabukicho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Marutomo bldg B1F (basement floor)
Dress code: Anything is ok.
Reservations: Not necessary but recommended and appreciated
For more info: http://www.shinjukuparty.com/etop.htm
Map: http://www.shinjukuparty.com/emap.htm
2008/06/27/(Fri) 15:40:16 (605)


【広告】楽天市場にて お買い物マラソン5月9日開催予定
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