【広告】楽天市場にて お買い物マラソン5月16日まで開催中



1月30日(土) JIPインターナショナルパーティー(ニューイヤースペシャル)! ←クリック
JIP Friends Club

日時:2016年1月30日(土) 6:30-9:00pm
会場:Bar Quest(六本木)

1月31日(土) SIPインターナショナルパーティー(ウインタースペシャル)! ←クリック

日時:2015年1月31日(土) 6:00-8:30pm
場所:アッセンブリー ホール (表参道)
住所:東京都渋谷区神宮前4-26-18 原宿ピアザビル B1F





インディアメーラー2011実行委員 | MAIL | URL
〜セクシー&カッコイイ〜ダンスをWest Side Stoy並に踊りましょう♪

TEL:06-6451-7994 インディアメーラー2011実行委員ボリウッド係
2011/07/20/(Wed) 19:23:49 (788)

7/23! JIP International Friendship Summer Special Party
JIP Friends Club | MAIL | URL
JIP Party is the biggest and coolest international party in Japan. Over 250 people will be expected to attend the party.

You can enjoy talking to people from all over the world at a very cool international club. Many kinds of cocktails and soft drink are all you can drink, and we also prepare snack, etc.

This is different from other parties.

Japan's No 1 International party!
JIP International Friendship Party

Date: July 23 (Sat), 2011 Time: 6:30-9:00pm
Place: Devi Fusion (Roppongi) New location!
Address: 3-3-15 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo (1-2F)
Dress code: Anything
Reservations: Not necessary but recommended and appreciated
For more info: http://www.getyourfriend.com/english.htm
Map: http://www.getyourfriend.com/emap.htm
Mobile: http://www.getyourfriend.com/mobile/
2011/06/27/(Mon) 17:25:28 (786)

「こころ for JAPAN」プロジェクト 6月イベント
石垣直樹 | MAIL | URL

2011/06/17/(Fri) 13:07:36 (785)

6/25! JIP International Friendship Early Summer Special Party
JIP Friends Club | MAIL | URL
JIP Party is the biggest and coolest international party in Japan. Over 250 people will be expected to attend the party.

You can enjoy talking to people from all over the world at a very cool international club. Many kinds of cocktails and soft drink are all you can drink, and we also prepare snack, etc.

This is different from other parties.

Japan's No 1 International party!
JIP International Friendship Party

Date: June 25 (Sat), 2011 Time: 6:30-9:00pm
Place: Devi Fusion (Roppongi) New location!
Address: 3-3-15 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo (1-2F)
Dress code: Anything
Reservations: Not necessary but recommended and appreciated
For more info: http://www.getyourfriend.com/english.htm
Map: http://www.getyourfriend.com/emap.htm
Mobile: http://www.getyourfriend.com/mobile/
2011/06/16/(Thu) 13:37:39 (784)

コーヒー | MAIL | URL

日時 7月18日





2011/06/16/(Thu) 13:20:56 (783)

5/28! JIP International Friendship Spring Special Party
JIP Friends Club | MAIL | URL
JIP Party is the biggest and coolest international party in Japan. Over 250 people will be expected to attend the party.

You can enjoy talking to people from all over the world at a very cool international club. Many kinds of cocktails and soft drink are all you can drink, and we also prepare snack, etc.

This is different from other parties.

Japan's No 1 International party!
JIP International Friendship Party

Date: May 28 (Sat), 2011 Time: 6:30-9:00pm
Place: Devi Fusion (Roppongi) New location!
Address: 3-3-15 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo (1-2F)
Dress code: Anything
Reservations: Not necessary but recommended and appreciated
For more info: http://www.getyourfriend.com/english.htm
Map: http://www.getyourfriend.com/emap.htm
Mobile: http://www.getyourfriend.com/mobile/
2011/05/17/(Tue) 18:12:16 (780)

4/23! JIP International Friendship Spring Special Party
JIP Friends Club | MAIL | URL
JIP Party is the biggest and coolest international party in Japan. Over 250 people will be expected to attend the party.

You can enjoy talking to people from all over the world at a very cool international club. Many kinds of cocktails and soft drink are all you can drink, and we also prepare snack, etc.

This is different from other parties.

Japan's No 1 International party!
JIP International Friendship Party

Date: April 23 (Sat), 2011 Time: 6:30-9:00pm
Place: Devi Fusion (Roppongi) New location!
Address: 3-3-15 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo (1-2F)
Dress code: Anything
Reservations: Not necessary but recommended and appreciated
For more info: http://www.getyourfriend.com/english.htm
Map: http://www.getyourfriend.com/emap.htm
Mobile: http://www.getyourfriend.com/mobile/
2011/03/22/(Tue) 17:41:33 (774)

3/26! JIP International Spring Special Party
JIP Friends Club | MAIL | URL
JIP Party is the biggest and coolest international party in Japan. Over 250 people will be expected to attend the party.

You can enjoy talking to people from all over the world at a very cool international club. Many kinds of cocktails and soft drink are all you can drink, and we also prepare snack, etc.

This is different from other parties.

Japan's No 1 International party!
JIP International Friendship Party

Date: March 26 (Sat), 2011 Time: 6:30-9:00pm
Place: Bar Quest (Roppongi)
Address: No.2 Rene Bldg. 3F, 5-3-1, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Dress code: Anything
Reservations: Not necessary but recommended and appreciated
For more info: http://www.getyourfriend.com/english.htm
Map: http://www.getyourfriend.com/emap.htm
Mobile: http://www.getyourfriend.com/mobile/
2011/03/05/(Sat) 15:03:27 (773)

Hanami cultural party
lana | MAIL | URL
Hanami cultural party is FREE!

Lingua Franca International lounge is pleased to invite you to cherry blossom observation in Shinjuku Central Park in April 2, 2011. We are expecting you to join in. Cherry blossom season is one of the most beautiful seasons in Japan when you can enjoy the spectacular view of blooming cherry trees. This is a good chance for you not only to experience Japanese “hanami” but also to make friends as well as to have a lot of fun with us. You are more than welcome to come with your friends and family members!

<< Hanami party >>
Date: April 2, 2011 (Sat)
Time: 10:00 - 16:00 (you can come and go anytime during the party)
Location: Shinjuku Central Park (near the Tokyo Metropolitan Building in Shinjuku), 2-11 Nishi Shinjuku, Shinjuku, Tokyo
Meeting place: Basement of Subaru Bld. near “The Eye of Shinjuku” (「新宿の目」), 1min walk underground from Shinjuku West Exit
Lingua Franca’s staff in white uniform will wait for you at 10am near “The Eye of Shinjuku” (「新宿の目」).
Admission: Free
Reservation: Not necessary but appreciated. Please let us know about your participation in this event by April 1, by email:lounge@lingua-franca.jp
Others: Please bring your food and drinks to share with other people.

We look forward to seeing you!


-We are not responsible for any emergencies during the event.
- You are responsible for taking care about your kids under 18 years old.
-A person under 18 must be accompanied by a guardian.
-In case of bad weather condition or other unpredictable circumstances, we will inform you through your email about cancellation in advance.
2011/03/04/(Fri) 19:20:59 (771)

Moldovan wine tasting and dance
lana | MAIL | URL
Dear guest,
This time we would like to introduce you Moldova and its famous wines and traditional dance. We are planning to carry out this event on March 12, 2011. You will have a chance to meet people from Moldova and know more about their country through presentation and chatting, know how Moldovan people do wine appreciation, taste Moldovan wine and dance a cheerful traditional Moldovan dance “Hora Noastra”.
Moldova is East European country located between Ukraine and Romania. It is famous with its fine wine, rich traditions and customs, history and ancient architecture. Moldova is the only country, the shape of which, when seen on a map, resembles the shape of a bunch of grapes. Wine growing in Moldova is a century-old tradition. The country is famous with the biggest wine cellar in the world. In 2004 Moldovan band O-zone with its major hit "Dragostea din tei" touched the hearts of millions of people not only in Europe but in Japan.
Let’s make friends with people from this European country and have fun together! Don’t forget invite your friends and family!
<< Moldovan wine tasting and dance >>
Date: March 12, 2011 (Sat)
Time: 15:00 - 17:00
Location: Lingua Franca International Lounge, Assorti Nishi-shinjuku 2F, Nishi-Shinjuku 7-3-4, Tokyo
Admission: JPY 3,000
Reservation: Please let us know about your participation in this event by March 11, by email: lounge@lingua-franca.jp
2011/03/04/(Fri) 19:13:58 (770)


【広告】楽天市場にて お買い物マラソン5月16日まで開催中
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